William McMaster Murdoch

Date of birth: 28th of February, 1873
Place of birth: Dalbeattie, Scotland
Married: 2nd of September 1907
Spouse: Ada Florence Banks
Children: None
Address: 94 Belmont Road, Portswood, Southampton
Crew position: Titanic's First Officer
Date of death: 15 April, 1912
Cause of death: Unconfirmed; body never recovered; possible suicide

Side Menu:
First Officer Murdoch

First Officer William Murdoch

Age: 39
Height: 5'9" (175.26cm)
Complexion: Fair
Hair Colour: Brown
Eye Colour: Hazel grey/ hazel brown
Other: None

Notes: There is a difference of half an inch between the two descriptions Murdoch provided (First Mate in 1895 and Extra Master 1896). His skin colour is described as fair and his eyes hazel coloured -described as both "hazel grey" and "hazel brown". Interestingly he is the only one out of Titanic's officers to have passed all his applications on first attempt.

Biographical information:

Who was he and how did he become Titanic's First Officer? What was his role as First Officer and his actions on the night of the disaster?

Please note that the following information is based on the website: www.williammurdoch.net